Anxiety Sucks.

That feeling you can’t shake. Like a turning, constricting, uncomfortable, wordless gnawing inside that won’t go away easliy.

We all experience worry thoughts and fears. Humans, just like animals, are wired for survival which means we have a negativity bias — our nervous system is wired to search for threats. For some of us, our brains can get stuck on the hamster wheel of worry and not be able to switch off. Sometimes due to genetics, sometimes due to trauma, we experience an endless state of fear.

We will learn to set boundaries, regulate our emotions, improve our self-esteem, and tap inside for true peace. There is hope for ease in your life.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Services

Many come to me becaue they are feeling “overwhelmed.” I hear the phrases, “I just can’t get everything done,” or “I am stuck and have no motivation.” ADHD is no longer defined as what used to be a disorder of inattention or overactivity. For most, ADHD presents in more covert ways like unable to start or finish a project, difficulty managing life when there are more responsibilities or stressors.

Do you have trouble making decisions or feel like you need to constantly be productive? There are many undiagnosed adults with ADHD that are having a harder time in life than necessary because the shame of “not doing” or “not completing,” or the intense emotional swings create a miserable feeling inside.

I will help you accept yourself with ways to improve motivation, regulation, and teach you to understand life’s meaning and purpose.


“Bright Shiny Object Syndrome”